Since 1995, we have campaigned poodles for other breeders. This was primarily for Dawn Bell of Brittanique Kennels from whom I bought my initial girl Tiffany.
BIG Ch Croodle Brittany Ice
Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
It is with my deepest regret that my best poodle friend was taken from us last February 2005. She sold me my first poodle and since that time we have worked hand in glove to campaign and show her own dogs along with my own.
Her prefix Brittanique is well known for the quality whites and silvers.
Dawn may you rest in peace.
Brittany was bred by us and owned by Dawn. Some of my other winning progeny came from this bitch. She was a stunner from birth and I am pleased that she became the foundation of the quality poodles that Dawn bred.
Ch Croodle Mon Petite Garson
Owner Alan & Helen Richardson, Juhliska Kennels, Qld
Helen and Alan took this smart young man half way to his title. Within a month we had the remaining points to title him. A change in hair cut and the ability to move out meant that he was a different boy.
Remy was a pleasure to show.
Ch Hythere Gray With Atitude
Owner Liz Wooller - Hythere Kennels, Victoria.
Anya arrived just a fortnight before the Brisbane Royal and was shown there by us. She did remarkably well for a beginner taking reserve bitch CC and Runner Up to Best Of Breed.
In the short time she has been with us she has nearly finished her title and has taken numerous classes in group.
BIG Ch Brittanique Paris Design
Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
Paris arrived very stressed in July, 2000.
She was sent home with her title in March 2001, unstressed and winning a Best In Group to finish her off.
That elusive Best In Group took 4 Reserves over 4 weekends to get the trumps.
Ch Brittanique Jamaican Kiss
Owned and Loved by Dawn Bell of Brittanique Poodles in Melbourne.
Jamaica came to me for showing and was returned to her mum when she was finished. It was hard to give her back as she was with us for her first 12 months.
BIS Ch Aultone Designer Label
Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
Fame has taken to showing quite well. With only 5 weeks of showing she has taken numerous classes in group, reserve in group and has taken several best in groups with one best in show.
Not bad for a kid who has never been near the ring and was very nervous when she went to training at the end of July.
Ch Brittanique Beswickchina
Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
Destiny has had numerous wins at class level and has taken classes in show.
Her best result to date is her
Reserve Best Exhibit in Group when she was just into Junior Class.
Destiny will not return home to her mum and half sister until Mid August after the Brisbane Royal.
Ch Brittanique Jamaican Rum - "Rummy". Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
Ch Gwyson Mister Star Buck - "Captain" Owner Dawn Bell - Brittanique Kennels, Victoria
Ch Jenuin Royal Spring Walk - "Summer" White Miniature Owned by Dawn Bell, Brittanique Kennels, Victoria.
BIG Haggai Huelo - " Huelo" Cream Toy Owned and bred by Miguel Murua, Victoria