Home to the first Finnish Lapphunds in Qld Australia. We are very proud of our Finnish Lapphunds and can state that nearly all New Zealand & Australian Finnish Lapphund kennels have been established from our first breeding pair. We can honestly say that we are proud of where we are heading.
Home to Australia's first Australian Grand Champion Finnish Lapphund, Multi Runner-Up Best in Show, Multi Best in Group winning Finnish Lapphunds under local and International judges & the first Endurance titled Finnish Lapphund in Australia. Breeder of the only Finnish Lapphund in Australia to win 4 consecutive Melbourne Royals Best of Breeds and the youngest Finnish Lapphund to win an All Breeds Runner Up to Best in Show at only 9 months of age. We are the owner breeders of the first, as well as the youngest, Supreme Champion Finnish Lapphund. This young boy was less than 2 1/2 years of age when he achieved this title. "Riki" has since then amassed sufficient points, group and show wins to achieve this again. He is the only dog to so far win Best of Breed at Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne royals in the same year. We are extremely proud of the Australian Finnish Lapphund interest within the community and show arena. |
Finnish Lapphunds are a very versatile dog. They are equally happy sitting by you as they are running the paddocks and playing.
Lapphunds have been successful in Australia already as Therapy dogs, working in schools teaching how to deal with dogs responsibly, obedience, herding trials, showing and agility. Lappies are a spitz breed so do have a double coat to deal with although this is not onerous at all. A regular bath and brushing will keep your lappie looking great at all times. Finnish Lapphunds whilst having some hereditary diseases are mostly a very healthy breed. The major genetic problem areas are tested for prior to breeding. This does not eradicate all evidence of these diseases but does provide a little more confidence in what we as breeders are doing to ensure quality pets are provided. Finnish Lapphunds are still relatively rare in Australia so obtaining one may mean a small wait as there are only a limited number of litters born each year. More detailed information on the health and history of the Finnish Lapphund can be found on the Lappies In Oz website or on the Finnish Lapinkoira Club site. The attached link is in Finnish but you can gain some very good information from it. fci BSE Finnish Lapphunds in Australia are affectionately called Lappies. Lappies make wonderful family pets and companions. |
All of our Finnish Lapphunds are Hip tested and prcd PRA tested. We will only breed from prcd PRA clear dogs and those with hip results equal to or lower than the Breed average. Parent testing results are freely and openly discussed with prospective owners.
We breed correct, very typey Finnish Lapphunds who excel in the show ring and are great companions. Our Lapphunds are bred in our home and are well socialised prior to going to their new homes. We are the Breeders of "Laani", who is Australia's first female Grand Champion and is the youngest Finnish Lapphund to achieve an All Breeds Reserve In Show and of "Blaze" a 4 time winner of the Melbourne Royal Best of Breed Finnish Lapphund. From these initial litters we have bred 2 Australian Grand Champions. The owners of the Australian Finnish Lapphunds that we have bred have used them in multiple disciplines where some have gained their CCD's, Herding Instinct Tests, Rally O, Agility, Responsible Pet Ownership dogs, & Therapy dogs as well as many obtaining their conformation titles. Two of our own imported Finnish Lapphund into Australia have also gained their Grand Championships, one has achieved his Supreme Championship. We have had several of our homebred dogs who have achieved their Grand Championships as well, either shown by us or campaigned by others. |
Our history within the breed.

Theldaroy Kennels has been in operation since about 1970. Col started with Welsh Corgi Pembrokes and moved to Siberian Huskies in the mid to late 80's. The first Siberians were purchased from Garth and Bea Goodwin and were very successful in the show ring having won many groups, and in show awards along with Royal challenges.
We live on a small rural property outside of Kingaroy allowing us the latitude to have a few more dogs than we were permitted when living on the Sunshine Coast.
Our current Siberian show dogs are very different to those we started with, we will not forget the impact the initial dogs had on our kennels.
After meeting and getting together in the mid 90's we had a complete change when we introduced some new Siberians to our kennel. At that time Col started sled racing with the Siberians, this he has managed to do quite competitively along with being successful in the show ring with the same dogs.
Croodle Toy Poodles came into existence in the mid 90's with a change of state for me. I have been very happy with my wins in the ring and have shown that colours can win too. I have been able to manage many classes in show, group and best in group awards with these little guys. I too, cannot forget the impact of my initial girls had on my breeding program and am thankful for what they have offered to the breed.
Since getting married, Croodle Poodles is now extinct and we have the introduction of the new Theldaroy Clan. This now includes our newly imported Finnish Lapphunds, who are settling into their new home. At his time the Poodles were doing nicely regularly collecting a Best In Group and some Best In Show awards along the way.
We imported the 4th and 5th Lappies into the country. We were delighted, in 2012, to have been recognised by the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria as one of the two foundation breeders within the country. From this humble beginning we have established this beautiful breed within Australia. The Finnish Lapphund is now our primary breed, though we will continue with our other loves as their quality is still so good.
Wow what a statement the Lappies have made in the show ring for us - the work and effort to have them recognised by our judges is slowly paying off with around 120 class in group or show wins for the 2007 year. An increase of 35 wins to that of 2006. In 2008 we exceeded over 200 classes in group, show, recognition at Royals with wins of a Reserve In group in Perth, gaining Opposite Sex Puppy at the Melbourne Royal. We have not personally won a Best in Show with the Finnish Lapphunds yet but it is getting closer! Someone brave will give one of these beautiful dogs one within the next couple of years.
This did occur in 2010 in Far North Qld and again in 2012 with Louis aka Grand Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg PT, CD, RN won his first Best in Show after having several Runner Up To Best In Show placings.
The growth of love for the Lappies is increasing with many novice pet owners knowing what a Finnish Lapphund is and desiring one as their primary pet. Once the lappie bug has been caught these new owners usually purchased their second companions.
We live on a small rural property outside of Kingaroy allowing us the latitude to have a few more dogs than we were permitted when living on the Sunshine Coast.
Our current Siberian show dogs are very different to those we started with, we will not forget the impact the initial dogs had on our kennels.
After meeting and getting together in the mid 90's we had a complete change when we introduced some new Siberians to our kennel. At that time Col started sled racing with the Siberians, this he has managed to do quite competitively along with being successful in the show ring with the same dogs.
Croodle Toy Poodles came into existence in the mid 90's with a change of state for me. I have been very happy with my wins in the ring and have shown that colours can win too. I have been able to manage many classes in show, group and best in group awards with these little guys. I too, cannot forget the impact of my initial girls had on my breeding program and am thankful for what they have offered to the breed.
Since getting married, Croodle Poodles is now extinct and we have the introduction of the new Theldaroy Clan. This now includes our newly imported Finnish Lapphunds, who are settling into their new home. At his time the Poodles were doing nicely regularly collecting a Best In Group and some Best In Show awards along the way.
We imported the 4th and 5th Lappies into the country. We were delighted, in 2012, to have been recognised by the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria as one of the two foundation breeders within the country. From this humble beginning we have established this beautiful breed within Australia. The Finnish Lapphund is now our primary breed, though we will continue with our other loves as their quality is still so good.
Wow what a statement the Lappies have made in the show ring for us - the work and effort to have them recognised by our judges is slowly paying off with around 120 class in group or show wins for the 2007 year. An increase of 35 wins to that of 2006. In 2008 we exceeded over 200 classes in group, show, recognition at Royals with wins of a Reserve In group in Perth, gaining Opposite Sex Puppy at the Melbourne Royal. We have not personally won a Best in Show with the Finnish Lapphunds yet but it is getting closer! Someone brave will give one of these beautiful dogs one within the next couple of years.
This did occur in 2010 in Far North Qld and again in 2012 with Louis aka Grand Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg PT, CD, RN won his first Best in Show after having several Runner Up To Best In Show placings.
The growth of love for the Lappies is increasing with many novice pet owners knowing what a Finnish Lapphund is and desiring one as their primary pet. Once the lappie bug has been caught these new owners usually purchased their second companions.
Breed Histoy in Australia
In April 2000 Col and I began to look for a different spitz breed to the Siberian husky, we came across one of the most beautiful dogs we had ever seen. This picture was of Sulyka Echo at Elbereth. After researching further we were hooked!
We began the process of asking our state canine control body about how we would go about registering a new breed. When I told them what breed, I was informed that there was already some here in Australia. So we began our search within Australia for the person who had introduced them.
At the same time we searched in Finland for breeders with a look of what we were after.
We used a Poodle breeder there who had purchased a toy poodle from us. She went to shows and looked at the type she preferred. I searched the internet. Fortunately we came up with the same kennel - Staalon.
We located several pups over time and as many of you know the heartache we went through as time after time, for one reason or another, we had to turn the pups down or the breeder declined sending them as they had not come up to their quality standard to establishing the breed in another country.
Finally at the start of 2001 we had purchased our 2 babies from different kennels and Annika Leskinen kept both for us. They were due to arrive here in May.
In the meantime Easter of 2001 saw me doing a canine control ring around. I was lucky enough to finally locate where the first lapphunds were as the owner, Kylikki Eronen, was bringing in her puppy registration papers for the first Australian litter. How lucky could I be? Kyllikki came in as I was on the phone and I was able to speak with her directly. I got her details and purchased our brown girl, Asha from this litter.
May came and went and no pups arrived (adolescents by this stage). I was getting desperate and Dee Muzzle gave me Clive’s phone number in Finland to ring. After I did this I discovered that money owed to me via the poodle sale had not been transferred to Annika which delayed the export of our kids. Through Clive, this was amended and our first 2 kids arrived early August, 2001.
Picture of Mish and Finn in garden
Australia now saw its first litter born and the 4th and 5th adults arriving in the country.
1995 - The first import being a female- Sulyka Sisko arrived. Efforts to import and impregnant via semen was to no avail.
1997 - Kylikki sought a natural male importing a brown boy, Ch Staalon Kolumbus, from Finland. Again no success with litters arriving.
2000 – Early in the year Ch Lecibsin Heissulivei arrived in the country.
Now we have come to my pair arriving from Staalon kennels. Wow was my first thoughts on seeing our boy Grand Ch Staalon Bestseller. He was everything we wanted and more. The little bitch Ch Tositouhun Eve Example was not quite what we had expected but boy has she done us proudly. She has the BEST temperament and produced some of the nicest kids.
After a scare with snakes and paralysis ticks we decided to breed this young pair before we lost either of the dogs. Hence the second litter born and our first dominoes in the country.
This gave us now a grand total of 15 animals of which 10 were youngsters.
From our first litter, we sold pups to some very adventurous owners, who were prepared to work with us to establish this breed within the show scene. Some of these first pups gained baby in group awards as soon as they hit the show rings.
Picture of Brambleway litter at their first show in which Aku (middle) won Baby in Show.
Cabel photography
Most of these adventurous new owners then began to make plans to import for themselves from Europe.
2002 saw our next importing of semen from Ch Fihtolas Sasli.
2003 saw the importation of another bitch form Finland, Ch Viksalan Jiella.
2004 we gained another 2 males, Fjallfarmens Ramio, Sweden and Ch Fidelis Ursus, Finland and imported semen Fin Ch Chelville Tapio, from Clive Muzzelle in the UK.
We had only 1 litter, bringing our numbers in December of that year to a grand total of 38.
Show wins over that time were not recorded fully but we maintained an increasing quantity of wins – enough to have some of the judges sitting up and taking notice. In that short time we had one of our young pups, Grand Ch Theldaroy Wild Not Me, at just 9 months of age win Reserve to Best in Show. We had several Best In groups as well around the country to brag about. We were on our way!
Picture of Grand Ch Theldaroy Wild Not Me.
2005 - The beginning of the year saw us planning to import our first bitches in whelp. This eventuated only through the help and support of Fidelis kennels and the painstaking effort of Eeva Niemi.
One of these litters was actually born in quarantine and released with their mother to Watersedge Kennels, at a week old. My own litter was lucky enough to hold off until we got home.
pictue Watersedge litter in quarantine
Also imported was another brown dog Fjallfarmens Ummiko from Sweden. That year was a massive year for puppy litters with 9 born through the course of the year around Australia. Our total now standing at 88. We had more than doubled in a single year!
Show wins that were recorded showed us with 50 classes in group, 2 classes in show, 8 Reserve in groups, 2 Best in groups, and 6 passes at obedience or agility.
2006 seemed to be a quiet year with only 4 litters born and 2 bitches imported from Finland, Ch Luminturpa Emmi and Terhakan Utu Leena who was put into whelp but this sadly did not eventuate. Our total is now 109. We had reached triple digits.
In 2006 the breed achieved a remarkable 56 classes in group, 5 classes in show, 1 Runner Up to Best in Show, 6 Best in groups and 4 Reserve in groups. Added to that we had some further passes at herding, obedience - companion dog, agility and jumping dog titles.
2007 saw another 2 males imported Teelikamentten Iikka from Finland and C'est Louis Armstrong des Chelaloupsgreg from France via the USA, as well as another 6 litters of pups including the world’s first frozen semen pupsicles.
From left Ch Theldaroy Green With NV, Siberian frozen baby, Ch Theldaroy NV Is A Sin, & Ch Theldaroy Follow In NV.
December 2007 saw us with a total of 154 Lapphunds now in Australia.
Our show wins for 2007 blew me away with a staggering 107 wins from Reserve in Show to classes in group, including the first Lapphund in Australia to be Endurance Tested. Some of the most prestigious wins would have had to be the Royal wins along with the Winter Classic in WA. Ch Brambleway Aslakka won Best in Group over 180 exhibits in March, this great win was followed with a young 7 month old pup Theldaroy Follow In NV,
taking out Opposite Sex Puppy in Show at the Brisbane Royal in August, a month later winning Best in group as well.
Then in September Ch Lumiturpa Emmi won Reserve in Group at the Perth Royal.
2008 – currently sees us with 4 litters already, another ready to whelp as I write and 2 further in whelp. We are now at 178 in total.
Show wins are beginning to be too many to record accurately with class in group wins regularly around the country.
The breed within Australia should be extremely proud of the type, quality and health of our foundation breeding stock. The puppies that we are producing, I believe, are of type and equitable to anything in Europe. At least this is what we are being told by the European judges who visit here.
I think that for our foundation decade we have done well to establish the breed with so many imports already. Breeders here are looking to continue in this vein with the importing of semen and animals from Europe.
We can only thank those breeders who have done their homework on our behalf to provide the excellent dogs that are allowing us to develop and grow in the manner that we are.
Over the next few years we have had a massive growth within the ranks of owners, breeders and lovers of the Finnish Lapphund. At the end of 2012 we have nearly 500 in total, with many newly imported breeding stock to add to our small gene pool. The importation of semen and its use has certainly supported this and has been brought about by many new members of the Lapphund community. By 2020 we have over 1500 lappies living in Australia with some 30 breeders.
Australian Lapphunds are in a wonderful position due to these eager and wonderful people who are continuing to purchase live animals to bring into the country as well as several owners who have ventured into the purchase of frozen semen to add to our continuing growth.
I am very proud to have been able to support and initiate the breed within this country.
We began the process of asking our state canine control body about how we would go about registering a new breed. When I told them what breed, I was informed that there was already some here in Australia. So we began our search within Australia for the person who had introduced them.
At the same time we searched in Finland for breeders with a look of what we were after.
We used a Poodle breeder there who had purchased a toy poodle from us. She went to shows and looked at the type she preferred. I searched the internet. Fortunately we came up with the same kennel - Staalon.
We located several pups over time and as many of you know the heartache we went through as time after time, for one reason or another, we had to turn the pups down or the breeder declined sending them as they had not come up to their quality standard to establishing the breed in another country.
Finally at the start of 2001 we had purchased our 2 babies from different kennels and Annika Leskinen kept both for us. They were due to arrive here in May.
In the meantime Easter of 2001 saw me doing a canine control ring around. I was lucky enough to finally locate where the first lapphunds were as the owner, Kylikki Eronen, was bringing in her puppy registration papers for the first Australian litter. How lucky could I be? Kyllikki came in as I was on the phone and I was able to speak with her directly. I got her details and purchased our brown girl, Asha from this litter.
May came and went and no pups arrived (adolescents by this stage). I was getting desperate and Dee Muzzle gave me Clive’s phone number in Finland to ring. After I did this I discovered that money owed to me via the poodle sale had not been transferred to Annika which delayed the export of our kids. Through Clive, this was amended and our first 2 kids arrived early August, 2001.
Picture of Mish and Finn in garden
Australia now saw its first litter born and the 4th and 5th adults arriving in the country.
1995 - The first import being a female- Sulyka Sisko arrived. Efforts to import and impregnant via semen was to no avail.
1997 - Kylikki sought a natural male importing a brown boy, Ch Staalon Kolumbus, from Finland. Again no success with litters arriving.
2000 – Early in the year Ch Lecibsin Heissulivei arrived in the country.
Now we have come to my pair arriving from Staalon kennels. Wow was my first thoughts on seeing our boy Grand Ch Staalon Bestseller. He was everything we wanted and more. The little bitch Ch Tositouhun Eve Example was not quite what we had expected but boy has she done us proudly. She has the BEST temperament and produced some of the nicest kids.
After a scare with snakes and paralysis ticks we decided to breed this young pair before we lost either of the dogs. Hence the second litter born and our first dominoes in the country.
This gave us now a grand total of 15 animals of which 10 were youngsters.
From our first litter, we sold pups to some very adventurous owners, who were prepared to work with us to establish this breed within the show scene. Some of these first pups gained baby in group awards as soon as they hit the show rings.
Picture of Brambleway litter at their first show in which Aku (middle) won Baby in Show.
Cabel photography
Most of these adventurous new owners then began to make plans to import for themselves from Europe.
2002 saw our next importing of semen from Ch Fihtolas Sasli.
2003 saw the importation of another bitch form Finland, Ch Viksalan Jiella.
2004 we gained another 2 males, Fjallfarmens Ramio, Sweden and Ch Fidelis Ursus, Finland and imported semen Fin Ch Chelville Tapio, from Clive Muzzelle in the UK.
We had only 1 litter, bringing our numbers in December of that year to a grand total of 38.
Show wins over that time were not recorded fully but we maintained an increasing quantity of wins – enough to have some of the judges sitting up and taking notice. In that short time we had one of our young pups, Grand Ch Theldaroy Wild Not Me, at just 9 months of age win Reserve to Best in Show. We had several Best In groups as well around the country to brag about. We were on our way!
Picture of Grand Ch Theldaroy Wild Not Me.
2005 - The beginning of the year saw us planning to import our first bitches in whelp. This eventuated only through the help and support of Fidelis kennels and the painstaking effort of Eeva Niemi.
One of these litters was actually born in quarantine and released with their mother to Watersedge Kennels, at a week old. My own litter was lucky enough to hold off until we got home.
pictue Watersedge litter in quarantine
Also imported was another brown dog Fjallfarmens Ummiko from Sweden. That year was a massive year for puppy litters with 9 born through the course of the year around Australia. Our total now standing at 88. We had more than doubled in a single year!
Show wins that were recorded showed us with 50 classes in group, 2 classes in show, 8 Reserve in groups, 2 Best in groups, and 6 passes at obedience or agility.
2006 seemed to be a quiet year with only 4 litters born and 2 bitches imported from Finland, Ch Luminturpa Emmi and Terhakan Utu Leena who was put into whelp but this sadly did not eventuate. Our total is now 109. We had reached triple digits.
In 2006 the breed achieved a remarkable 56 classes in group, 5 classes in show, 1 Runner Up to Best in Show, 6 Best in groups and 4 Reserve in groups. Added to that we had some further passes at herding, obedience - companion dog, agility and jumping dog titles.
2007 saw another 2 males imported Teelikamentten Iikka from Finland and C'est Louis Armstrong des Chelaloupsgreg from France via the USA, as well as another 6 litters of pups including the world’s first frozen semen pupsicles.
From left Ch Theldaroy Green With NV, Siberian frozen baby, Ch Theldaroy NV Is A Sin, & Ch Theldaroy Follow In NV.
December 2007 saw us with a total of 154 Lapphunds now in Australia.
Our show wins for 2007 blew me away with a staggering 107 wins from Reserve in Show to classes in group, including the first Lapphund in Australia to be Endurance Tested. Some of the most prestigious wins would have had to be the Royal wins along with the Winter Classic in WA. Ch Brambleway Aslakka won Best in Group over 180 exhibits in March, this great win was followed with a young 7 month old pup Theldaroy Follow In NV,
taking out Opposite Sex Puppy in Show at the Brisbane Royal in August, a month later winning Best in group as well.
Then in September Ch Lumiturpa Emmi won Reserve in Group at the Perth Royal.
2008 – currently sees us with 4 litters already, another ready to whelp as I write and 2 further in whelp. We are now at 178 in total.
Show wins are beginning to be too many to record accurately with class in group wins regularly around the country.
The breed within Australia should be extremely proud of the type, quality and health of our foundation breeding stock. The puppies that we are producing, I believe, are of type and equitable to anything in Europe. At least this is what we are being told by the European judges who visit here.
I think that for our foundation decade we have done well to establish the breed with so many imports already. Breeders here are looking to continue in this vein with the importing of semen and animals from Europe.
We can only thank those breeders who have done their homework on our behalf to provide the excellent dogs that are allowing us to develop and grow in the manner that we are.
Over the next few years we have had a massive growth within the ranks of owners, breeders and lovers of the Finnish Lapphund. At the end of 2012 we have nearly 500 in total, with many newly imported breeding stock to add to our small gene pool. The importation of semen and its use has certainly supported this and has been brought about by many new members of the Lapphund community. By 2020 we have over 1500 lappies living in Australia with some 30 breeders.
Australian Lapphunds are in a wonderful position due to these eager and wonderful people who are continuing to purchase live animals to bring into the country as well as several owners who have ventured into the purchase of frozen semen to add to our continuing growth.
I am very proud to have been able to support and initiate the breed within this country.